"We have named this personality type The Enthusiast because sevens are enthusiastic about almost everything that catches their attention. They approach life with curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure, like kids in a candy store who look at the world in wide-eyed, rapt anticipation of all the good things they are about to experience. They are bold and vivacious, pursuing what they want in life with a cheerful determination. They have a quality best described by the Yiddish word "chutzpah"- a kind of brash nerviness.""Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied."
Well this personality type certainly describes the overall gist of my personality but it also alludes to what motivates me; maintaining freedom and happiness, avoiding missing out on worthwhile experiences and keeping excited and occupied. Tonight we were asked to reflect and see how these characteristics may have been in play in major decisions in our lives so far. The main decision that I've made that has had a huge impact on my life was transferring schools. One of my main drives for transferring was because it was what I wanted to do. This sounds trivial and very common-sense-y but it was the first (BIG) decision I had ever made 100% on my own with limited influences from those I cared for most. This was a very tough decision to make because I knew I would be leaving my friends and family and taking a blind jump into a new world; but it was motivated by the fact that I thought I may be missing out on some other worthwhile experience- big school, new faces, new city, etc.
On the opposite end, I am really struggling in the area of the individualist. The individualist is sensitive and expressive..two things I need to work on. My cynical outlook at times has given me all but a glimmer of hope in certain circumstances. Take the public school system in any state..I have given up on the school system because I have come to the conclusion that it won't ever get any better because the solution to every problem is pouring more money into the school. When teachers are trying to teach for a test (EOGs in particular are ridiculous in my opinion) extra money won't motivate them to deeply CARE about a child. I am not saying every teacher is this way.. I am just frustrated by the fact that money seems to be the only option because it makes the most sense? I don't know. This cynical attitude has tended to lead to a gloomy outlook and a sense of helplessness in things out of my direct control.
I will work on being more sensitive! My solution for most complaints is to "walk it off". This isn't really a good solution to most problems..
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